Table of Contents

What Is This?

Return on Security is the top source for understanding the economics and business of the cybersecurity market. It is highly relevant for cybersecurity leaders, CISOs, IT leaders, and venture capital investors.

This site features original ideas on cybersecurity career advancement, trends in private and public markets, and an in-depth look at the business driving the industry. Understanding the system you operate in is key to making good decisions, and grasping the economy in all its simplicity and complexity is one of the most important things we can do.

Return on Security combines firsthand experiences, opinions, research, and deep insights into the business of cybersecurity.

The Mission

Return on Security aims to be a top resource for cybersecurity professionals worldwide. By sharing my journey and the insights I’ve gained over the years, I hope to offer lessons and strategic thinking from an experienced cybersecurity professional.

Why "Return on Security"?

The concept of Return on Security is inspired by the financial principle of "Return on Security Investment (ROSI)."

For those new to the term, Return on Security Investment (ROSI) is a critical metric for evaluating the efficacy of cybersecurity initiatives against the investments of time, money, and resources. In cybersecurity, ROSI helps businesses measure the financial benefits of their security spending.

ROSI serves as a nuanced counterpart to the more widely recognized "Return on Investment" (ROI), focusing on the performance of security investments relative to their costs.

My investment in Return on Security echoes this principle. I dedicate my time and effort to creating and sharing valuable contributions to the field through this platform.

What Sets Return on Security Apart

Every Monday at 10:00 AM ET, you'll receive the Return on Security newsletter. If it’s a US holiday that Monday, the newsletter will go out the next day. Here's why it's different:

  • A pulse on the cybersecurity market and trends worth knowing about. What is happening in cybersecurity, and why? How is the market changing? How is the cybersecurity market different from the rest of the tech market? What does this mean for cybersecurity decision-makers and for those navigating their careers? In the newsletter, I cover patterns and trends heard within the cybersecurity community and high-growth startups.

  • Actionable advice for cybersecurity leaders, managers, and practitioners. Topics covered are relevant to those working in or investing in the cybersecurity industry.

  • Niched down on focused content: I strip out the fluff and bring you data-driven insights into the cybersecurity market.

  • All Signal, No Noise: Just the facts, enriched with industry sentiments and even a few memes for good measure.

  • An independent perspective. While Return on Security is supported by sponsorships to keep the content free for everyone, it remains committed to providing an independent and unbiased viewpoint.

Check out the newsletter archive to see past issues and the greatest hits to see my top long-form blog posts.

Why Trust Me?

I’m Mike Privette, a cybersecurity lifer – from engineer to CISO to entrepreneur and back again.

I've navigated through millions of dollars worth of investments and buying in cybersecurity products and have firsthand experience in growing and leading security teams over almost two decades. As a result, I have many opinions on the business of the cybersecurity industry and the inner workings of cybersecurity programs. All from a practitioner’s point of view.

I spend my time as a mix of consulting with companies on security matters, talking with VCs and startup founders, and studying the private and public cyber markets for trends.

I'm really excited that you're here, and I can't wait to share more with you!