💰 Security, Funded #127 - Quantum Gains 💪

Insights for the week of January 15, 2024

Security, Funded is a weekly deep dive into cybersecurity funding and industry news, captured and analyzed by Mike Privette. This week’s report is sponsored by Semgrep & SafeBase.

Hey there,

Happy Monday, and I hope you had a great weekend! In this issue, we’ve got:

  • 😓 Dry January

  • ⬆️ Quantum Leaps

  • 🔒️Trust is Trending

  • 🤠 We Might Be So Back

Speaking of trust, I wanted to give a quick shoutout to my friend Ross Haleliuk from Venture in Security and congratulate him on launching his new book:

Which has already become a best-seller in just a few weeks! This book has commentary and insights from 50+ people from the cybersecurity and investing community (myself included) and is a must-read for anyone in the startup, entrepreneur, and investing spaces. Thanks to Ross for including me!

Onward to this week's issue.

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What will cybersecurity acquisitions in 2024 look like?

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Last issue’s vibe check:
What will cybersecurity funding in 2024 look like?

🟨⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ 😳 It will decrease again (9)
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 😬 It will stay flat (30)
🟨🟨🟨🟨⬜️⬜️ 😎 We will be so back (25)
64 Votes

While most people feel like cybersecurity funding is going to stay flat for 2024, there is a strong contingent who believes we will be so back! There is momentum in the cybersecurity industry, and it’s something people can feel. I am personally in the we will be so back camp 😎 

Some of the top comments from those saying funding will stay flat were:

“Folks are going to continue to be somewhat conservative until they feel we are on the other side of this downturn.”

“The IPO pipeline is frozen, there's still a ton of uncertainty in the broader market, and rates are going to remain restrictive for at least the first half of the year.”

One comment that made me lol about decreasing again:

“It's normal, we are used to it.”

🔮 Earnings Reports

A section for notable earnings reports from public cybersecurity companies, be they “pure play” or hybrid companies.

None to report on from last week. 🫡 

📸 YoY Snapshot

A rolling 12-week chart to compare funding and acquisitions each week in a year-over-year (YoY) view between 2023 and 2024.

As this is a new year, this chart will be building over the next 12 weeks and then roll forward.

A big surge in funding last week was driven mostly by quantum computing and security, a capital-hungry and emerging field in cyber. A significant drop in transaction volume is starting to emerge at the start of the year with far fewer transactions than in 2023 at this time.

Acquisitions have shown a similar trend to funding with a lower volume of transactions, but don’t let the slow roll to the year fool you. Big Things™️ are happening in this space even without everybody buying everybody.

💰 Market Summary

  • 11 companies raised $423.1M across 9 unique product categories

  • 2 companies were acquired or had a merger event across 2 unique product categories

🧩 Funding By Product Category

  • $300.0M for Data Protection across 1 deal

  • $47.8M for Passwordless Authentication across 3 deals

  • $33.1M for Identity Governance & Administration (IGA) across 1 deal

  • $30.0M for Threat & Vulnerability Management (TVM) across 1 deal

  • $8.1M for Software Supply Chain Security across 1 deal

  • $3.3M for Secure File Sharing across 1 deal

  • $775.0K for Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Security (CAVS) across 1 deal

  • An undisclosed amount for Threat Intelligence across 1 deal

  • An undisclosed amount for Security Operations across 1 deal

🏢 Funding By Company


Doyensec’s SCA Benchmark Report

Nearly all SCA tools produce false positives that the security teams must then review and triage. But how do the top 3 SCA tools perform against each other?

Read this report by Doyensec, an independent security research and development firm, to see how Semgrep, Snyk, and Dependabot match up.

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🌎 Funding By Country

  • $404.8M for the United States across 9 deals

  • $15.0M for Israel across 1 deal

  • $3.3Mfor Spain across 1 deal

🤝 Mergers & Acquisitions

  • Helios, an Israel-based application run-time security and observability platform, was acquired by Snyk for an undisclosed amount. (more)

  • QG Media, a United Kingdom-based cybersecurity media company focused on the IoT Security industry, was acquired by Information Security Media Group (ISMG) for an undisclosed amount. (more)

📚 Great Reads

*Sponsored content and/or affiliate link.

🧪 Labs

New year, new training 💡 

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